Здравствуйте, уважаемые коллеги!
Меня зовут Иванов Антон Рубенович.
Я работаю на кафедре органической химии СПбГУ.
Dear colleagues!
My name is Ivanov Anton. I have job at Chemical faculty of St.Petersburg State University (Organic dep.), I have interest in application of nanotechnology to the pharmacology. This matter I made for conference NANOMEDICINE in Spain, September,2006. Unfortunate, I could not take part in it. I’d like to show you some my results.

The attempt of obtaining the sorbents selective with respect to biologycally active components of essential oil Eucaliptus dives.

The principle of molecular asymmetry was founded in our experiments of preparing immunity protraction preparations. The attempt to produce of bio-passive sorption-matter was made. It’s having ability of chiral selective extraction of components from essential hydrocarbon oils: Eucalyptus dives. This substations are used as immunity modulators in Pharmacology and traditional (Tibet) medicine.
The optical active antibiotic CAP was added into matrix silica solutions. As result the solid silica substances were obtained and used for hydrocarbon oils processing. Electron-microscopy, X-ray and surface characteristics were measured. The Nano-cell asymmetric parameters were calculated. The Diameter of pores consists 1,2-3,0 nm. The attempt to use of Magnetic influence (>0,1 Tl) for Chiral solid silica synthesis is made.
The shifting of optical rotation activity of Eucalyptus dives liquid oil under the chiral selective SiO2 solid phase has been observed. The sorbents prepared under the magnetic influence have more than 10 times greater activity. It has been concluded that chiral selective effect is growing for the systems under the magnetic influence.
According to chromatography and mass-spectra data among the main active extracted hydrocarbon component of studied oil is
Trans-(-)-5-methyl-3-(1-methylethenyl)-cyclohexen [3-isopropenyl-5-methyl-cyclohexen] (CAS#56816-08-1 172-175 *C b.p.). However, the structure of this hydrocarbon is not typical for biology objects. Indeed, in special literature there are some differences of mass-spectra of this compound. Most likely the hydrocarbon, which is observed in our experiments has structure agrees:
trans-(-)-6-methyl-3-(1-methylethenyl)-cyclohexen [3-isopropenyl-6-methil-cyclohexen]. This minor agent can take part in pharmacology effects with 1,8-cineol because this structure has a type of optical active antibiotic CAP.

I am also interested by atmospheric human health risk.

The dissertation "Influence of atmospheric photoactive aerosols on risk of occurrence of extreme situations" is devoted to photochemical reactions of ecology-significant volatile organic compounds (plant, industrial, green-house-active VОС) and atmosphere air on a surface of small aerosol particles. There are researching of heterogeneous sink process mechanisms with participation of VОС. The rate constants of the pseudo-first order photo-inducted heterogeneous processes in a gas phase and reaction products accumulation; the data about evolution of natural aerosol components under action of light close to solar were carried out. It was shown that velocities of heterogeneous reactions is necessary to take into account at modeling of atmospheric processes in conditions of the atmosphere. The fact of a negative feedback between processes photosorption and photooxidation on a surface of semi-conductor catalysts is established. Author gives the recommendations for reduction of danger for human health. The results of loss life expectancy of the population are received. It is necessary to forbid formation of Photochemical cloud in a combination to aerosol and other pollution which takes place in industrial regions. The vegetative breeds should be care selected for the urban districts. The special dangers represent by the mixed sources content polycyclic hydrocarbons, (C5H8)n, NOx and halocarbons. The above mind sources increase both local, and global health risk.

If I’m lucky in attempt to be interesting for you, please answer me.

Many Thanks. Ivanov A.

Список научных публикаций соискателя ученой степени к.х.н.
Иванова Антона рубеновича:
1. Исидоров В.А., Клокова Е.М., Козубенко С.Г., Иванов А.Р. Фотокаталитическое разложение ароматических углеводородов на поверхности компонентов природного аэрозоля // Вестн. СПбГУ. Сер.4 1992. вып.2 (N11), с.97-99.
2.Исидоров В.А, Клокова Е.М., Поваров В.Г., Иванов А.Р., Козубенко С.Г. О роли фотостимулированных гетерогенных процессов в тропосферной химии органических компонентов // Ж. Экологической Хим. 1992 №1, с. 65-76.
3.Иванов А.Р. Фотостимулированное окисление изопрена в присутствии полупроводниковых оксидов. Вестн. СПбГУ. Сер 4., вып. 4(№25) 1999, с. 125-128.
4. Иванов А.Р., Исидоров В.А. Фотостимулированные процессы с участием летучих органических соединений на поверхности минеральных компонентов природного аэрозоля. Тез. докл. конф. «Атмосферная радиация (МСАР-02)» С.-Петербург, 2002, с. 62-63.
5. Иванов А.Р. Фотостимулированные процессы с участием летучих органических соединений на поверхности минеральных компонентов природного аэрозоля. Тез. докл. конф. «Химия поверхности и нанотехнология» Хилово, 2002, с. 25.
6. Иванов А.Р., Исидоров В.А. Фотостимулированные процессы с участием летучих органических соединений на поверхности минеральных компонентов природного аэрозоля. Тез. докл. конф. «Аэрозоли Сибири». Томск, 2002, с. 30.
7. Isidorov V., Klokova E., Povarov V., Ivanov A. and Kozubenko S. Photostimulated heterogeneous sink of volatile organic pollutants. //The Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Its Impact on Global Change. CHEMRAWN VII. A World Conference. Del. 2-6., 1991., Baltimore, Maryland, USA, p. 12-14.
8. Isidorov V., Klokova E., Povarov V., Kozubenko S., Ivanov A. "Photoсatalytic oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons on the natural aerosol surface". // Tropospheric Oxidation Mechanisms., Brussels, 1995, p. 32-35.
9. Isidorov V., Povarov V., Nikitin V., Ivanov A. Photostimulated oxidation of methane and dimetilsulfide on the surface of natural aerosol components. // Chem. Proces. in the Troposphere. Luxemburg, 1996. р. 45-47.
10. Isidorov V., Klokova E., Ivanov A. Photostimulated troposferic oxidation of VOCs on the surface of salt particles. // Proc. EUROTRAC Symposium''96. 1997. Vol. 1, p.329-332
11. Фуксман И.Л., Исидоров В.А., Крутов В.И., Иванов А.Р. Метаболизм веществ вторичного происхождения у древесных растений. Тез. докл. конф. «Физиология растений – наука ||| -го тысячелетия.» Москва, 1999 Т1. с. 486
12. А. Р. Иванов, Э. Б. Прилепский Попытка получения сорбента, селективного по отношению к биологически активным компонентам эфирного масла Eucalyptus dives
.Вестник СПбГУ. Сер.4, 2005, вып. 3. С. 122-125
Тема диссертации на к.х.н.:

Я делал по гранту работу по хирально селективным сорбентам с целью проверки возможности их применения для обогащения фармакологических препаратов (на примере эфирных масел). Было зафиксировано изменение вращающей способности эфирного масла поле обработки. Однако требуются дальнейшие исследования с привлечением специалистов в области фармакологии. Можно попробовать применить молекулярное наслаивание для управления размерами пор заданной (оптически активной) формы.
C публикациями можно ознакомиться на сайте: www.antonruben.narod.ru

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